These 5 outdoor activities are a great way to stay fit and healthy!
As Malaysia now sees an increase in daily confirmed cases of Covid-19, we must take note that not all outdoor activities are a blanket green light when it comes to safety. However, if you want to unplug for a while and focus on your fitness goals, there are some outdoor activities that you can do while maintaining your social distance.
To help you plan your fitness activity, we have put together 5 outdoor activities that you can do to stay in tip top shape.
As Malaysia now sees an increase in daily confirmed cases of Covid-19, we must take note that not all outdoor activities are a blanket green light when it comes to safety. However, if you want to unplug for a while and focus on your fitness goals, there are some outdoor activities that you can do while maintaining your social distance.
To help you plan your fitness activity, we have put together 5 outdoor activities that you can do to stay in tip top shape.
Farm to Plate
Gardening can also keep yourself fit, and as a happy bonus, you could come out with some delicious—and free—fruits, vegetables, or herbs for your trouble. It can burn up to 300 calories in an hour. Not only can you burn calories, but in the end, you’ll have a beautiful landscape to show for it.
Farm to Plate is not a new concept; in fact it has been around for many, many years.
Essentially it means that the food on the table comes directly from your own garden, without going through a market, store or distributor along the way. This practice directly promotes a healthy eating practice.
In the video, Soon and Yean explain why they enjoy gardening and share some helpful tips for starting your very own vegetable garden.

Yoga for flexibility

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing.
Are you too old for yoga? Definitely not!
A matter of fact it actually helps with our balance. This exercise can be carried out anywhere too, in your home or even outdoors, grab a mat and you’re good to go!
Find out some of the benefits of yoga and whether you have to be flexible to do yoga from Dania.

Lace up for a jog

Jogging regularly will allow you to maintain a healthy weight, especially if you also modify your diet. Performing active lifestyles helps to improve your bone health, immune system, strengthen muscles around joints and maintain flexibility as you age.
Get out of the house and get in a cardio workout at the same time.
As long as you’re able to social distance, jogging is a good choice if you want to get out of the house and get in a cardio workout at the same time. To be even safer, carry your hand sanitizer for double protection.
Find out from our jogging enthusiasts – Susan and Prince on the best time to go for a jog, what to do before you begin your jogging exercise and ways to relieve sore muscles and joints after a long jog.

Farm to Plate

Farm to Plate is not a new concept; in fact it has been around for many, many years. Essentially it means that the food on the table comes directly from your own garden, without going through a market, store or distributor along the way. This practice directly promotes a healthy eating practice.
Gardening can also keep yourself fit, and as a happy bonus, you could come out with some delicious—and free—fruits, vegetables, or herbs for your trouble.
It can burn up to 300 calories in an hour. Not only can you burn calories, but in the end, you’ll have a beautiful landscape to show for it.
In the video, Soon and Yean explain why they enjoy gardening and share some helpful tips for starting your very own vegetable garden.

Yoga for flexibility
A matter of fact it actually helps with our balance. This exercise can be carried out anywhere too, in your home or even outdoors, grab a mat and you’re good to go!
Find out some of the benefits of yoga and whether you have to be flexible to do yoga from Dania.

Yoga is an ancient form of exercise that focuses on strength, flexibility and breathing to boost physical and mental wellbeing. Are you too old for yoga? Definitely not!

Lace up for a jog

As long as you’re able to social distance, jogging is a good choice if you want to get out of the house and get in a cardio workout at the same time. To be even safer, carry your hand sanitizer for double protection.
Jogging regularly will allow you to maintain a healthy weight, especially if you also modify your diet.
Performing active lifestyles helps to improve your bone health, immune system, strengthen muscles around joints and maintain flexibility as you age.
Find out from our jogging enthusiasts – Susan and Prince on the best time to go for a jog, what to do before you begin your jogging exercise and ways to relieve sore muscles and joints after a long jog.

Ride your bike

Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout.
You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.
Whether you’re cycling hard or going on an easy ride, remember that the same rules for jogging apply here — maintain proper social distance while you’re riding.
Let’s hear from cyclists – Munirah, Alif and Sandhya – on the benefits of cycling and their remedies to relieve leg or knee pain after cycling.

Take a hike

Going up and down hills gets the heart pumping, creating a great cardio workout. Like most cardio exercises, hiking helps reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your blood pressure.
It is a weight-bearing exercise, which builds and maintains strong bones, and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Let’s hear from seasoned hikers – Kelvin and Koshla – about why they love hiking and some tips for new hikers.

Ride your bike
Whether you’re cycling hard or going on an easy ride, remember that the same rules for jogging apply here — maintain proper social distance while you’re riding.
Let’s hear from cyclists – Munirah, Alif and Sandhya – on the benefits of cycling and their remedies to relieve leg or knee pain after cycling.

Cycling is mainly an aerobic activity, which means that your heart, blood vessels and lungs all get a workout. You will breathe deeper, perspire and experience increased body temperature, which will improve your overall fitness level.

Take a hike

Going up and down hills gets the heart pumping, creating a great cardio workout. Like most cardio exercises, hiking helps reduce your risk of heart disease and improve your blood pressure. It is a weight-bearing exercise, which builds and maintains strong bones, and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Let’s hear from seasoned hikers – Kelvin and Koshla – about why they love hiking and some tips for new hikers.
Keep Moving and Stay Fit with a balanced diet
If you’re looking to set yourself up for optimal health, focusing only on exercise is not enough.
For those who are not regularly engaged in exercise
You may want to check with your healthcare professionals to assess your fitness level prior to starting a new exercise regimen. To maintain a healthy lifestyle you should combine your workout routine and eating nutritious foods as part of your balanced diet. Both of these will do wonders for your body and health!
Did you know?
Study shows that those who consume 2 glasses of milk that comes with MFGM (milk fat globule membrane) and important nutrients along with exercise regularly, experienced 40% more improvement in muscle mass, 3x the improvement in balance and 2x the improvement in flexibility.
Anlene Gold 5X™

As we age, moving might feel harder. Our bones, joints and muscles may become weaker and affect our strength and flexibility to perform daily activities.
Anlene Gold 5X™ is scientifically formulated for adults 45 years old and above with MFGM Active™, high protein, 10 Vitamins and Minerals, Collagen and has no added sugars.
Anlene Actifit 3X™

Taking care of your bones, joints and muscles should start from as early as possible to support your active lifestyle.
Anlene Actifit 3X™ is specially formulated with 50% more nutrients* and Movemax™, contains high calcium, protein, collagen, 10 vitamins and minerals
Keep Moving and Stay Fit with a balanced diet
If you’re looking to set yourself up for optimal health, focusing only on exercise is not enough. For those who are not regularly engaged in exercise, you may want to check with your healthcare professionals to assess your fitness level prior to starting a new exercise regimen. To maintain a healthy lifestyle you should combine your workout routine and eating nutritious foods as part of your balanced diet. Both of these will do wonders for your body and health!
Did you know?
Study shows that those who consume 2 glasses of milk that comes with MFGM (milk fat globule membrane) and important nutrients along with exercise regularly, experienced 40% more improvement in muscle mass, 3x the improvement in balance and 2x the improvement in flexibility.

Anlene Gold 5X™
As we age, moving might feel harder. Our bones, joints and muscles may become weaker and affect our strength and flexibility to perform daily activities.
Anlene Gold 5X™ is scientifically formulated for adults 45 years old and above with MFGM Active™, high protein, 10 Vitamins and Minerals, Collagen and has no added sugars.