Are you taking clean water for granted?

Are you taking clean water for granted?
Just like the fresh air we breathe, we may be taking our use of water for granted. Are you aware that the water you use for drinking, cooking and bathing goes through a very intricate production process before it reaches your taps?
What goes behind the production of treated water involves a complex operation from raw water abstraction to water treatment and distribution to consumers. All the equipments and assets require continuous and periodical upgrading and maintenance works to ensure clean and safe treated water supply remains sustainable.
Just like the fresh air we breathe, we may be taking our use of water for granted. Are you aware that the water you use for drinking, cooking and bathing goes through a very intricate production process before it reaches your taps?
What goes behind the production of treated water involves a complex operation from raw water abstraction to water treatment and distribution to consumers. All the equipments and assets require continuous and periodical upgrading and maintenance works to ensure clean and safe treated water supply remains sustainable.
What is Non-revenue
water (NRW)
Treated water that is lost, but not limited to
leakages, thefts or faulty water meters. It is
predominantly water that never reaches its
intended customers and cannot be billed.
Causes of non-revenue
water (NRW) loss include
● Pipe leakages
● Pipe bursts
● Reservoir overflows
● Water thefts
What is Non-Revenue Water (NRW)
Treated water that is lost, but not limited to leakages, thefts or faulty water meters. It is predominantly water that never reaches its intended customers and cannot be billed.
Causes of Non-Revenue Water (NRW) loss include
● Pipe leakages
● Pipe bursts
● Reservoir overflows
● Water thefts
An alarming issue
Everyone is at lost when clean and safe treated
water is wasted due to pipe leakages, water thefts
or meter tampering. Under these circumstances,
water services provider such as Air Selangor will
experience a challenging situation in ensuring
sustainable water supply to consumers.
An alarming issue
Everyone is at lost when clean and safe treated water is wasted due to pipe leakages, water thefts or meter tampering.
Under these circumstances, water services provider such as Air Selangor will experience a challenging situation in ensuring sustainable water supply to consumers.
Air Selangor’s NRW
reduction initiatives
● Active leakage control and repair
● Establishment of District Metering Zone (DMZ)
and pressure management scheme
● Main pipe and communication pipe replacement
● Stuck meter and degraded meter replacement
● Assets Improvement Programme
● Field Service Management
Air Selangor’s NRW reduction initiatives
● Active leakage control and repair
● Establishment of District Metering
Zone (DMZ) and pressure
management scheme
● Main pipe and communication pipe
● Stuck meter and degraded meter
● Assets Improvement Programme
● Field Service Management
What can you do to help reduce
Non-Revenue Water (NRW)?

● Pipe leakages

● Water thefts
What can you do to help reduce
Non-Revenue Water (NRW)?

● Pipe leakages

● Water thefts
We are committed to ensure a sustainable clean and safe
treated water supply for all of our consumers.
We are committed to ensure a sustainable clean and safe treated water supply for all of our consumers.