Your Liver Health Matters!
Nourish your liver with LAC L.Pro.
Get your very first LAC L.Pro. today!
When we think of our health and primary organs in the body, usually our heart, brain, kidneys are among the first one’s that comes to mind.
Organ such as the liver often tend to get forgotten. Most of us know that consuming harmful drinks such as alcohol will have a severe impact on the liver’s health, but did you know there are also other factors that influence liver health too?
In this article, we dive deep into liver health, why it’s important and what steps you can take to ensure this vital organ stays healthy for the long-term.
What does the liver do?
To put in perspective how vital our liver is, it’s been known to perform “at least 500 functions” that keep us healthy. It is the second-largest organ in the body and has many important jobs, including filtering toxins from your bloodstream, balancing macro- and micronutrients, and regulating hormones.
[AD] What is the liver for?
Let us know your answer below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
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These 3 are some of the liver’s vital functions: to eliminate toxins, to metabolise nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins), and store energy as glycogen.
The liver functions as a filter that recovers and eliminates harmful toxins. Those toxins can be naturally present in the waste generated by our metabolism, like ammonia, or in the ones we eat or drink.

Our liver assures the metabolism of the carbohydrates, the fat and the proteins while producing bile, an essential element for our digestion. It also avoids haemorrhages via the coagulation process.

The liver stores vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and glycogens (carbohydrates) meaning it stores energy like sugar and makes it available when we need it.
[AD] Where is the liver located in our body?
Do you know the answer? Let us know below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
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It is located on your right side, midway between your waist and your armpit.
Your liver is a unique organ
The human adult liver weighs averagely around 1.4 kg and is found in the right upper abdomen, below the diaphragm. It takes up most of the space under the ribs and some space in the left upper abdomen, too.
Because of the importance of the liver and its functions, evolution has ensured that it can regrow rapidly as long as it is kept healthy. All vertebrates, from fish to humans, have the ability to regrow the liver.
Did you know?
Did you know that it is the only visceral organ that can regenerate? It can regenerate completely, as long as a minimum of about 25% of the tissue remains. The liver can regrow to its previous size and ability without any loss of function during the growth process.
Unhealthy dietary habits can lead to the rise of a modern disease known as the fatty liver.
Your liver does a lot to keep you healthy, especially acting as your body’s filter to clear out toxins. However, overworking it with a high-stress lifestyle, lack of sleep and eating an unhealthy diet for too long, might cause it to acquire its own health problems.
Unhealthy dietary habits can lead to the rise of a modern disease known as the fatty liver. What is worrying is that fatty liver is not easily detected in the early onset and can go undetected for years.
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As the condition progresses, symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal distension after meals, bloatedness, discomfort after slight alcohol consumption, mild diarrhoea after meals will begin to surface.
Fatty liver is greatly due to unhealthy lifestyle such as being (overweight, stress, lack of sleep, high levels of fat and sugar, consuming fast food regularly) and not just due to alcohol and toxins.
The more unhealthy our lifestyle is, the greater the burden is on the liver. Of course, nowadays, it’s difficult to live a complete stress-free life and avoid unhealthy foods.
Hence LAC, short for Leader in Antioxidative Control, has introduced their LAC L.Pro
[AD] What are some steps that you should do to improve your liver health?
Do you know which is the right answer? Select the answer below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
Click here to find out the explanation
Foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt can affect liver function over time. Fried and fast foods can also affect the health of your liver.

Made from carefully selected Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) herbs , LAC L.Pro. helps to promote better blood circulation and soothe the liver. Since its founding, LAC has embarked on a pioneering journey to develop scientifically-based formulas, to neutralise free radicals, combat ageing brought forth by oxidative stress, and support you daily in looking, feeling, and functioning at your best.
Remember that your everyday choices and lifestyle habits can affect the health of your liver in the long term. Live a happy life with a healthy liver. A healthy liver can increase your life expectancy, which implies that you will have more time creating memories with your loved ones.
Nourish your liver with LAC L.Pro.!
Get your very first LAC L.Pro.
In this article, we dive deep into liver health, why it’s important and what steps you can take to ensure this vital organ stays healthy for the long-term.
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When we think of our health and primary organs in the body, usually our heart, brain, kidneys are among the first one’s that comes to mind.
Organ such as the liver often tend to get forgotten. Most of us know that consuming harmful drinks such as alcohol will have a severe impact on the liver’s health, but did you know there are also other factors that influence liver health too?
[AD] What is the liver for?
Let us know your answer below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
Click here to find out the explanation
These 3 are some of the liver’s vital functions: to eliminate toxins, to metabolise nutrients (carbohydrates, lipids and proteins), and store energy as glycogen.
What does the liver do?
To put in perspective how vital our liver is, it’s been known to perform “at least 500 functions” that keep us healthy.
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It is the second-largest organ in the body and has many important jobs, including filtering toxins from your bloodstream, balancing macro- and micronutrients, and regulating hormones.
Liver’s 3 vital functions: Detoxification, synthesis and storage.

The liver functions as a filter that recovers and eliminates harmful toxins. Those toxins can be naturally present in the waste generated by our metabolism, like ammonia, or in the ones we eat or drink.

Our liver assures the metabolism of the carbohydrates, the fat and the proteins while producing bile, an essential element for our digestion. It also avoids haemorrhages via the coagulation process.

The liver stores vitamins (A, D, E, and K) and glycogens (carbohydrates) meaning it stores energy like sugar and makes it available when we need it.
Your liver is a unique organ
The human adult liver weighs averagely around 1.4 kg and is found in the right upper abdomen, below the diaphragm.
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It takes up most of the space under the ribs and some space in the left upper abdomen, too.
Because of the importance of the liver and its functions, evolution has ensured that it can regrow rapidly as long as it is kept healthy. All vertebrates, from fish to humans, have the ability to regrow the liver.

[AD] Where is the liver located in our body?
Do you know the answer? Let us know below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
Click here to find out the explanation
It is located on your right side, midway between your waist and your armpit.

What is worrying is that fatty liver is not easily detected in the early onset and can go undetected for years.
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Your liver does a lot to keep you healthy, especially acting as your body’s filter to clear out toxins. However, overworking it with a high-stress lifestyle, lack of sleep and eating an unhealthy diet for too long, might cause it to acquire its own health problems.
Unhealthy dietary habits can lead to the rise of a modern disease known as the fatty liver. What is worrying is that fatty liver is not easily detected in the early onset and can go undetected for years. As the condition progresses, symptoms such as fatigue, abdominal distension after meals, bloatedness, discomfort after slight alcohol consumption, mild diarrhoea after meals will begin to surface.
Fatty liver is greatly due to unhealthy lifestyle such as being (overweight, stress, lack of sleep, high levels of fat and sugar, consuming fast food regularly) and not just due to alcohol and toxins.
The more unhealthy our lifestyle is, the greater the burden is on the liver. Of course, nowadays, it’s difficult to live a complete stress-free life and avoid unhealthy foods.
Hence LAC, short for Leader in Antioxidative Control, has introduced their LAC L.Pro.

Made from carefully selected Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCM) herbs , LAC L.Pro. helps to promote better blood circulation and soothe the liver.
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Since its founding, LAC has embarked on a pioneering journey to develop scientifically-based formulas, to neutralise free radicals, combat ageing brought forth by oxidative stress, and support you daily in looking, feeling, and functioning at your best.
Remember that your everyday choices and lifestyle habits can affect the health of your liver in the long term. Live a happy life with a healthy liver. A healthy liver can increase your life expectancy, which implies that you will have more time creating memories with your loved ones.
[AD] What are some steps that you should do to improve your liver health?
Do you know which is the right answer? Select the answer below!
— (@malaysiakini) December 2, 2022
Click here to find out the explanation
Foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt can affect liver function over time. Fried and fast foods can also affect the health of your liver.