Easing the financial burden of higher education

Nilai U provides a number of scholarship and financial aid schemes to facilitate higher education.

Nilai University understands that funding a tertiary education is a significant financial investment. Even with the loan provided by the Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Negara (PTPTN), it is still a struggle for many families to fund their children’s studies to fulfil their dreams of university graduates. This is especially so since PTPTN does not cover the fees for the Foundation programme.

To help ease the burden, Nilai University has introduced a special financial aid scheme to help the SPM/O-Level certificate holders to achieve their dreams through the foundation to degree pathway.

The scheme is offered to all students who meet the entry requirements for the Foundation programme with tuition and accommodation waivers of 20% at the Foundation level. Upon progress to the degree programme, students are eligible for a 10% waiver of the tuition fee for the first year of degree studies.

“In this tough economic climate, schemes such as these are indeed welcome, especially for families who have to finance more than one child through higher education,”

says Dr Saw Sor Heoh, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Nilai University.

In addition to this special scheme, Nilai University offers the Education for All scheme which is meant especially for diploma and degree students with a family income of RM4000 and below. This scheme grants waivers of up to 50% of the tuition fees that are not covered by PTPTN as well as accommodation fee waiver of 50%.

Added to the financial schemes are the various scholarships offered to students with outstanding results. Students with 9As in SPM / O-Level, 3As in STPM / A-level or 6As in UEC are automatically eligible for the High Achiever Scholarship where 100% waivers of both tuition and accommodation fees are granted. For those with 5-8As at SPM/O-Level, the waivers granted amount to 25% of the tuition and accommodation fees. Both scholarship schemes are applicable to foundation + degree, diploma, degree and the American Degree Transfer programmes.

Scholarship schemes are also offered to those who are progressing to the advanced diploma or degree programs. Students with a CGPA of 3.5 and above from any foundation or diploma programmes accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency and intend to progress to the Advanced Diploma, Degree or American Degree Transfer programmes are eligible for tuition fee waivers of between 20 to 30%.

“Nilai U has always recognised students’ extra-curricular achievements, believing it to be crucial toward producing well-rounded graduates,”

says Dr Saw. Hence, students who have represented Malaysia at sporting events will be entitled to 100% waivers of tuition and accommodation fees while those who represented their state are eligible for 50% waivers.

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Similarly, those who have exemplary extra-curricular records at school level can apply for the Enrichment for Life award. Students who have been office bearers of clubs and societies, been a prefect or represented their school at the district level will be entitled to a 15% waiver of tuition fees for the foundation programmes, 10% for diploma programmes or 5% for degree programmes. “All this is to encourage well-rounded students to further their studies,” emphasises Dr Saw. (The Enrichment for Life award is only applicable for the first programme that a student enrols in and the positions must be held in the previous academic year).

Nilai U is appointed the Centre for Sports Focus – Fencing by the Ministry of Higher Education and has among the best training facilities in the country for this niche sport. In an effort to support national and state fencers further their education, Nilai U has also introduced a special scheme for fencers who will be eligible to 100% waivers of tuition and accommodation fees.

“I believe there is something for almost every category of students. All these scholarships and financial aid schemes are designed to encourage students to continue their personal development and growth in an institution that has been rated as Excellent in the SETARA rating exercise by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency,” explains Dr Saw.

The MAY intake is in progress.

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