Latest Update On Belt & Road Economic Cooperation

Malaysia-China Business Council (MCBC) is organizing the Malaysia-China Belt & Road Economic Cooperation Forum on 8.8.2019 at Kuala Lumpur Royale Chulan Hotel as a follow up of the Second Belt & Road Forum held in April 2019 in Beijing where PM, Tun Mahathir had participated in few key events. With the positive outlook on future collaboration on Belt & Road Initiative projects, it’s an opportune time for entrepreneurs and investors from both nations to tap into its full potential of the abundant opportunities available to the region. Malaysia with her few advantages over the region’s neighbors (ASEAN nations) such as the strategic geographical location, linguistic skill, skill talents availability and lower cost of production must move ahead to entice investors from China and vice versa.

Keynote by Credential Chinese Scholars

This forum is divided into main session and six concurrent sessions. The main session involves renowned speakers from China who are deeply involved with BRI such as :

Jiang Zengwei, the Hon advisor to China Chamber of Industry & Commerce
Prof Wang Yiwei, Professor of School of International Studies, Renmim Universirty China
Prof Hu Biliang, Dean of Emerging Markets Institute, Belt & Road Research Institute of Beijing Normal University.
Huawei Malaysia CEO, Michael Yuan will update on the new era of 5 G and opportunities
The Minister of MITI will enlighten audience of Malaysian economic position under the current trade tension scenario.
Chinese ambassador to Malaysia , Bai Tian will provide an over view on the potential of BRI.

For the benefit of entrepreneurs from both nations especially the SMEs, six concurrent sessions
covering the ground issues will be held involving:

a. Food exportation to China in particular the birdnest
b. Tourism and Culture Industry
c. Positioning Malaysia as a preferred INVESTMENT destination
d. Benefiting from E-Commerce
e. Risk Management & Dispute Prevention
f. Towards greater synergy got TRADE connectivity

For each topic, the moderator and panelists will discuss in dept the issues and challengers facing the industry and the solution to it.

Discussing Current Trade Issue

For an example, for birdnest exportation to China, it is the first time that the regulators from Malaysia(DVS) and China (Chinese custom) discuss face to face in the presence of Malaysian birdnest association’s president as key stakeholders where each will present their side of the story on the issues and challengers and to provide recommendation and solution. It is the organizer’s vision that participants leaving the concurrent feel benefited from the knowledge and inner side story discussed that will provide him a new outlook and direction to move into that market. With a crowd of 500 entrepreneurs from Malaysia and China and also key officials, it is good networking platform to enhance and seek new opportunities for projects related to Belt & Road Initiative.

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