Abandoned Babies in Malaysia (Part 3)
Reported by Aidila Razak, video by Shufiyan Shukur and Indrani Kopal
An exclusive interview with Rashidah Abdullah, Co-Chair of the Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia (RRAAM).
“…in Islam, abortion is allowed up to 4 months, when the soul is regarded as entering the fetus, so it not regarded as alive, so it’s not a sin,…”
Rashidah Abdullah is an activist and independent consultant in the areas of women’s health and sexual and reproductive health and rights, women’s rights and NGO organisational development in Malaysia. She is the founder director on ARROW’s Board of Directors, Co-Coordinator of RRAAM, a member of the Malaysian Aids Council’s Programme Review Committee, the Programme and Management Committee of Sisters in Islam, and a trustee of Women’s Aid Organization (WAO).
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