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Sengoti means simply delicious!

Sengoti means simply delicious!

By Stephen Ng Malaysians are known for going to any place where the food is delicious, and as Pok Nik from Kelantan puts it in his local Kelantanese dialect, it is “sengoti!” (which means, simply delicious). The beautiful part is that you do not need to go to Kelantan...

Leaving office comforts to fill hungry stomachs

Leaving office comforts to fill hungry stomachs

With great care, Justin Cheah assembles each nasi lemak packet, putting an extra fried egg in one, adding more rice in another, while bustling in and out of the kitchen. "Some of our volunteers are not coming today, so I'm helping the team out," explains Cheah, before...

An article that begs to be written about food review

An article that begs to be written about food review

Since I started doing food review for both the Star and New Straits Times in around 2008, and later spent a stint on fine dining restaurants for a magazine published out of Bali, Indonesia, this is one article that begs to be written. Food is very subjective. It...

Café with a difference

Café with a difference

What impressed me about Summer Breeze Café at Casa Tropicana was when John Peter, its owner offered me a refreshing glass of iced serai tea on the house. It was like a gust of cool breeze on a hot summer day as I had had a tough time trying to get someone to attend to...

How To Remove Stains On White Rubber Soles

How To Remove Stains On White Rubber Soles

Most of us have owned and are obsessed with sneakers. But the white rubber soles of the shoes can get stained easily. Washing your sneakers is easy. The hard part to wash is the white rubber soles area. No matter how hard and how long you scrub on the white area, you...